Soil workshop at toxic Santa Susana Field Lab draws ire (Ojai Valley News)

“The presentation did not satisfy the online community. In the question-and-answer period at the end of Hanley’s presentation of one hour and 40 minutes, the first comment came from nuclear analyst and retired professor Dan Hirsch, of the long-standing Committee to Bridge the Gap, which broke the secret news of the partial nuclear meltdown in 1979 to NBC Channel 4 News.

‘I am absolutely blown away by your presentation,’ Hirsch said. ‘Everyone predicted that you would try to break out of the A.O.C.s that you signed in 2010 and break out of the requirement to clean up to background in the Environmental Impact Report that you issued a year ago, which already exempted two-thirds of the DOE and NASA properties from any cleanup at all. Now, for the remaining third, you have decided to throw out the cleanup to background, and put in this multiple lines of evidence fake stuff that violates the agreement, and leave the vast majority of the contamination not cleaned up.’

Hirsch called for the DTSC to host a two-hour presentation for the critics of the agreement.

‘You are the people who are a danger to the public, rather than trying to protect them,’ he said. ‘I ask for an equal hour and 40 minutes that you put on for this presentation so the public can hear the truth.’

Melissa Bumstead, who founded the Parents Against SSFL group in Simi Valley after her daughter contracted an extremely rare cancer at age 4, was equally outraged.”

Read the full Ojai Valley News article about DTSC’s recent “Soil Smarts” workshop by clicking here.

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