New approach would expedite cleanup at SSFL, officials say (Thousand Oaks Acorn)

“The agency is facing strong criticism from cleanup activists who say the new approach reneges on previous cleanup agreements and fails to protect the public from toxic contaminants in an area with high cancer rates, particularly among children.

‘These are things that are detrimental to public health. I’m so tired of (DTSC officials) telling us that there’s nothing to worry about, because people are dying. It’s insulting,’ said Jeni Knack, co-founder of Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab, a grassroots organization of concerned residents living near the site.

Daniel Hirsch, retired director of UC Santa Cruz’s Program on Environmental and Nuclear Policy, accused DTSC staff of misrepresenting data and violating previous agreements with polluters.

‘DTSC is viewed as a captive agency of the polluters it regulates,’ said Hirsch, founder of Committee to Bridge the Gap, a nonprofit focused on environmental health, particularly in areas affected by radioactive contamination.”

Read the full article about DTSC’s November 20th “Soil Smarts” workshop by clicking here.

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