DTSC-Boeing scientists say contamination contained at toxic field lab (Ojai Valley News)

“Two scientists working in a decades-long relationship for Boeing and the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, the state regulatory body overseeing a stalled effort to clean up the most industrially contaminated site in Ventura County — the Santa Susana Field Lab — declared in a DTSC March 12 ‘Groundwater U’ public outreach Zoom session that chemical contaminants of groundwater were not seen in significant amounts outside the SSFL site boundaries.

‘I have a simple question for Drs. Cherry and Parker,’ Hirsch said. ‘When did Boeing start paying you? And roughly how much have they paid you over the years? It appears Boeing began paying you roughly three decades ago. Is that true? And approximately how much have you received, and it need not be precise, but has it been hundreds of dollars, or thousands of dollars, or tens of thousands of dollars?'”

Read the full article from the Ojai Valley News by clicking here.

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