Author: CBG
Edison unit has no timeline to restart San Onofre units
Reuters reports.
Hackers Linked to China’s Army Seen From EU to D.C.
Bloomberg reports.
NASA Reaffirms Commitment to SSFL Cleanup Agreement, Will Clean Up Contamination to Background
NASA announced that it will fully comply with the Agreement on Consent (AOC) signed in December 2010 to cleanup its portion of SSFL to background levels and set the scope...
Feinstein: ‘More Work to be Done’ to Resolve San Onofre Nuclear Plant Woes
Senator’s website.
San Onofre nuclear power plant: More dangerous than imagined
There is a new report on the devastating information recently disclosed by the NRC–that approximately 3,400 steam generator tubes have gone bad at San Onofre, a number nearly equal to...
San Onofre probe: Edison followed procedure
The Examiner reports.
The Nation: ‘Shut Down San Onofre’: The New Front Line in the Fight Against Nuclear Power
The Nation magazine reports on the efforts to shutter the San Onofre plant. CBG has been working with the community and other nuclear policy organizations to shutter the problem-riddled plant.
CBS report on San Onofre Plant
CBS 2 ran a story regarding the San Onofre nuclear reactor, with an interview of Dan Hirsch. You may read the story here, and watch the video below.
EPA Inspector General Criticizes EPA Radiation Monitoring Network
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General confirms CBG Criticisms of EPA Radiation Monitoring Network Large Fraction Broken During Fukushima Crisis. In January 2009, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued...
Nuclear Power: Ethical and Policy Implications
A lecture presented by CBG’s Dan Hirsch on the ethical and policy implications of nuclear power.
San Onofre nuclear power plant prohibited from restarting
Report from Friends of the Earth, in consultation with CBG finds that design changes in new steam generators at San Onofre forced the shut down of the plant for several...
Assemblywoman Brownley: New Data Show Radioactivity Still Lurks in “Cleaned Up” Soil at Santa Susana Field Lab
Assemblywoman Brownley’s office issued a press release which notes that the EPA’s recent release of data showed extensive radioactive contamination remaining at SSFL. Assemblywoman Brownley went on to note, in...
How Many Wake-Up Calls Does it Take?
Three Mile Island (TMI). Chernobyl. Fukushima. After TMI, nuclear industry advocates told us not to worry, they had brought the accident under control a half-hour before a complete meltdown and...