Author: CBG
Bake Sale For Boeing!
(With video.) February, 2010: Teens Against Toxins, a group of high school students alarmed by the Boeing Company’s refusal to clean up the radioactive and toxic contamination at its Santa...
CBG, Sierra Club, NIRS Comments on NRC Proposed Revisions to Radiation Standards
At the heart of what should be the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s prime mission is protection of the public and nuclear workers from exposure to radiation. Unfortunately, current NRC radiation protection...
CBG Leads Effort to Get Obama EPA to Block Pending Proposals to Relax Radiation Protections
A whole range of proposals left over from the Bush Administration to markedly relax standards for radiation protection remain pending before the new leadership at EPA. In August, CBG led...
50th Anniversary of LA’s Partial Nuclear Meltdown
In July 1959, a reactor in the Los Angeles area suffered a partial meltdown. The Atomic Energy Commission kept the accident secret for decades, until Bridge the Gap was able...
Bush EPA Attempts Relaxation of Radiation Protections As It Leaves Office
02/13/2009 Result:Obama Administration Withdraws Action Before it is Published in Federal Register Victory! Obama Administration pulls back last-minute radiation regulation relaxation by Bush Administration, days before publication in the Federal...
Historic SSFL Agreement
Agreement Reached Between the Schwarzenegger Administration, CBG and Other Groups that Santa Susana Nuke Site will be Cleaned Up to Strictest Superfund Standards At a press conference on January 15,...
California Nuke initiative Bites the Dust
November 19 2008 – A proposed ballot measure to revoke California’s nuclear safeguards law — which prohibits new reactors until and unless there is a permanent solution to the high...
Bush EPA Plans For Dramatically Relaxing Radiation Protection Before Leaving Office
10/30/2008: Plans to greatly increase permissible public exposures from a wide range of events resulting in release of radioactivity were condemned today by scores of organizations and individuals in a letter...
New Yucca Rule Would Allow Equivalent of 1700 Chest Xrays Over a Lifetime
Would Produce 1 Cancer Per 125 People Exposed 10/12/2008: EPA has now finalized the radiation protection standards for Yucca at 15 millirem/year for the first 10,000 years and 100 millirem/year...
CBG’s Hirsch testifies before U.S. Senate Environment Committee About “Nuclear Amnesia”
September 18 – At the invitation of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, CBG’s Dan Hirsch testified in Washington on September 18. Using the history of nuclear accidents,...
Groups Blast Boeing Panel
07/17/2008: Boeing Pushes to Relax Enforcement of Water Pollution Limits. Efforts by a panel assembled by Boeing to push for elimination of a range of enforceable numeric limits on pollution...
Long Sought Win For The Community
07/11/2008 Result: EPA Stands Up; DOE Backs Down on Radiation Survey. After disclosures by CBG that DOE had altered critical numbers in a key table related to the cleanup of...
Boeing Pays $471,000 for 79 Pollution Violations
Boeing has waived its right to a hearing before the LA Regional Water Quality Control Board on a proposed $471,000 fine for scores of violations of pollution discharge limits and...
Witches Brew of Toxic Chemicals Burned by Rocketdyne in Open Pits
New Revelations of Dozens of Hazardous Wastes Burned Over Decades. Documents obtained by CBG show a pattern of burning of toxic chemicals in open pits at SSFL. Click here to...
In Memoriam
Recently, we lost three Giants in the Fight to Reduce Nuclear Risks – Ted Taylor, John Gofman, Paul Leventhal. Read more here.