Author: CBG
Guest column: Film brings long-awaited national spotlight on Santa Susana Field Lab (VC Star)
Dr. Robert Dodge has published a guest column in the VC Star about In the Dark of the Valley, the great new SSFL documentary premiering now on MSNBC. Read the...
Woolsey Fire Spread Radioactive Contamination (VC Reporter)
“A peer-reviewed study published in the December 2021 issue of Journal of Environmental Radioactivity (JER) has found that radioactive contaminated particles were spread during the 2018 Woolsey Fire from Santa...
1959 Santa Susana meltdown still hurts San Fernando Valley community. Why hasn’t it been cleaned? (KCRW)
KCRW’s Greater LA podcast has run an episode on the SSFL. The podcast episode features an interview with cleanup activist Melissa Bumstead, In the Dark of the Valley director Nicholas...
Environmental groups say safety measures lacking as Santa Susana Field Lab buildings demolished (LA Daily News)
“The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility and Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab wrote in the letter that the state Department of Toxic Substances Control, also known as DTSC, endangered...
Explosion Sends Potentially Radioactive Dust Into Air Above LA (NBC LA)
The U.S. Department of Energy demolished a building using explosives last month at the highly contaminated Santa Susana Field Lab (SSFL), a former nuclear and rocket test site in the...
Parents of young cancer patients driven to activism after cases get linked to nearby nuclear lab (MSNBC)
In conjunction with the release today of the new SSFL documentary In the Dark of the Valley, Melissa Bumstead was interviewed on MSNBC. Watch her interview here.
Study: Radioactive elements reached neighborhoods near Santa Susana Field Lab during Woolsey Fire (Daily News)
“Highly contaminated radioactive particles traveled to residential neighborhoods from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory during the 2018 Woolsey Fire, according to a new study. The peer-reviewed study called “Radioactive microparticles...
Study: Fire, wind carried radioactive materials from lab to Thousand Oaks (Thousand Oaks Acorn)
“A new study indicates that radioactive material migrated off an old nuclear energy and rocket engine test site in the hills above Simi Valley during the 2018 Woolsey fire and...
Radioactive Waste Fell On Some LA-Area Neighborhoods During 2018 Woolsey Fire, New Study Shows (NBC)
High levels of radioactive particles landed in neighborhoods from Thousand Oaks to Simi Valley during the massive 2018 Woolsey fire, which started at the contaminated Santa Susana Field Lab, according...
Study finds radioactive contamination migrated off field lab site during Woolsey Fire (VC Star)
“A new study has found that radioactive contamination migrated from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory site during the 2018 Woolsey Fire into Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and other neighboring communities. The study...
MSNBC Films Acquires SSFL Documentary ‘In the Dark of the Valley’
A fight for answers as to why their children were battling rare cancers forms the crux of “In the Dark of the Valley,” the newest acquisition by MSNBC Films, a...
Valley activists, residents head to Sacramento to demand cleanup of contaminated Santa Susana Field Lab (LA Daily News)
Organizers of the demonstration said the California Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Toxic Substances Control, the regulatory agency overseeing the investigation and cleanup of contaminated soil and groundwater at...
Dan Hirsch radio interview on KTRC Santa Fe
Dan spent a half hour on Santa Fe-based radio station KTRC talking with host Richard Eeds about radioactive waste at Los Alamos. Listen to the full interview here!
Report: Some Los Alamos nuclear waste too hazardous to move (Santa Fe New Mexican)
Los Alamos National Laboratory has identified 45 barrels of radioactive waste so potentially explosive — due to being mixed with incompatible chemicals — that crews have been told not to...
Thirteen Organizations Oppose John D. Graham’s Membership on National Academies’ Low-Dose Radiation Committee
On July 22, a comment letter signed by thirteen environmental and public interest groups was sent to the National Academies’ Committee on Developing a Long-Term Strategy for Low-Dose Radiation Research...