Author: CBG
When you combine AI and nuclear power, the results can be catastrophic (The Hill)
Linda Parks has an op-ed in The Hill this week about the risks of nuclear power being used to power the expansion of artificial intelligence. “Big tech needs to find more...
Dangerous Pollution Detected from Santa Susana Lab (PEER)
A new press release out today from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility reveals “disturbing levels” of pollutants including radionuclides and PCBs running off from SSFL. This pollution was detected due...
Californians must step up pressure to ensure a full cleanup of toxic Santa Susana lab (CalMatters)
“Despite an opportunity for California leaders to champion a thorough cleanup at Santa Susana, they’ve instead allowed toxic waste to linger, putting their constituents’ health and safety at risk.” Read...
Jane Fonda: Nuclear power at Three Mile Island is no climate solution (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Read famed actress Jane Fonda’s op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer, arguing against the re-opening of Three Mile Island and summarizing the arguments against nuclear power, by clicking on this link.
EPA and Navy announce Hunters Point shoreline cleanup plan (NBC Bay Area)
“Federal environmental officials unveiled Thursday what they hailed as a landmark deal with the Navy to clean up the shoreline around the old site of its Hunters Point Naval Shipyard—a...
Navy’s Hunters Point Shipyard Cleanup in San Francisco Moves Underwater (KQED)
“Bayview residents, including Arieann Harrison, have advocated for the complete cleanup of the site for decades. Harrison, founder and CEO of the Marie Harrison Community Foundation, said community members felt blindsided...
California’s last nuclear plant is a risky, costly business (Los Angeles Times)
“The plant is central in an ongoing debate over California’s energy future, Noah Haggerty, a mass media fellow at The Times, explained this week. Key arguments center on the skyrocketing...
Earthquake risks and rising costs: The price of operating California’s last nuclear plant (Los Angeles Times)
“Under two gargantuan domes of thick concrete and steel that rise along California’s rugged Central Coast, subatomic particles slam into uranium, triggering one of the most energetic reactions on Earth....
Why no action from government leaders on Santa Susana Field Lab? (Ojai Valley News)
“We thank you for coming to the aid of the people who are affected and living in harm’s way, especially all the children who are now suffering from cancer. But...
‘We’ve been too patient’: Community, officials demand action on Santa Susana Field Lab cleanup (VC Reporter)
“An advocacy group founded by families of children diagnosed with rare cancers, Parents Against Santa Susana Field Lab, recently staged a “10 Days of Action campaign,” to coincide with the...
How a US health agency became a shield for polluters (Reuters)
A major new Reuters investigation details how the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) “regularly downplays and disregards neighbors’ health concerns” and “has helped polluters save at...
“S.F. shipyard redevelopment delayed further after Navy agrees to expand toxic cleanup” (San Francisco Chronicle)
“The objects — a 1.5-inch deck marker covered in radium tainted paint that was used to light passageways on ships during the Cold War, and a radioactive piece of glass...
Guest column: Sue for a full cleanup of Santa Susana Field Lab (Ventura County Star)
“There are times when the citizens of Ventura County need to stand in solidarity for our shared interests. Now is such a time. While many of us are potentially affected,...
Supervisors hear calls to sue over site of partial nuclear meltdown (Ojai Valley News)
“The action culminated in a demonstration on July 23 outside the county Government Center in Ventura, featuring protesters wearing green Parents Against SSFL T-shirts and carrying signs, followed by a...
Advocates for Simi’s toxic site cleanup put out call to action (Ojai Valley News)
“About 60 people attended the event at the Strathearn Historical Park in Simi Valley. Ventura County Supervisors Janice Parvin of Simi Valley and Vianey Lopez of Oxnard attended. Former Ventura...