CBG News
CBG’s Comment on the Final Environmental Impact Report for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Units 2 and 3 Decommissioning Project
Read CBG’s comment letter to Controller Betty Yee, Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis and Finance Director Keely Bosler by clicking here.
A failure of governmental candor: The fire at the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory
Click here to read the article by CBG’s Dan Hirsch.
Massive Woolsey Fire Began On Contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory
CLOSE TO SITE OF PARTIAL MELTDOWN Electric Substation at SSFL Tripped 2 Minutes Before Fire Reported For Immediate Release: November 12, 2018 Contact: Denise Duffield, 310-339-9676 or dduffield@psr-la.org, Melissa Bumstead rmelissabumstead@sbcglobal.net, Dan Hirsch, 831-336-8003 or dhirsch1@cruzio.com...
Navy used obsolete safety standards in shipyard cleanup, researchers say
Read the SF Chronicle report regarding radioactive contamination at Hunter’s Point: According to a new report, the Navy, which is supposed to be removing radioactive contamination from the shipyard, is relying...
Residents of San Fernando, Simi valleys want Gavin Newsom to commit to cleaning up Santa Susana Field Lab, if he wins
Residents of San Fernando, Simi valleys want Gavin Newsom to commit to cleaning up Santa Susana Field Lab, if he wins
Trump’s EPA moving to loosen radiation limits
The SF Chronicle reports: The Trump administration is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, turning to scientific outliers who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good...
Concerned about cancer risks from Cold War era, parents, residents rally to clean-up Santa Susana Field Lab
The Daily News Reports: Concerned about cancer risks from Cold War era, parents, residents rally to clean-up Santa Susana Field Lab
Critique by the Committee to Bridge the Gap of the Navy’s Draft Five-Year Review Hunters Point Naval Shipyard
Click here to read the entire critique. (PDF) Pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA, also known as Superfund), the Navy is required every Five-Years to...
There’s renewed anger in Chatsworth, Simi Valley, over Santa Susana Field Lab clean-up
The Daily News reports: Frustrated with the pace of cleanup of a former rocket engine test site on the border of San Fernando and Simi valleys, area residents have stepped...