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UCLA Releases Oral History of Dan Hirsch & CBG
UCLA’s Oral History Program has just released its oral history of Dan Hirsch and Bridge the Gap. in a series of five interviews recorded over a five-year period stretching from...
VICTORY—Nuclear Regulatory Commission Withdraws Widely Condemned Proposal to Deregulate Most Radioactive Waste
CBG, working closely with NRDC, PEER, NIRS, and PSR helped lead opposition to an extraordinary plan by NRC to allow virtually all radioactive waste from nuclear plants, other than spent...
In Memoriam: Michael Rose––the Gifted Investigator Who Revealed the Partial Meltdown at Santa Susana
On September 7, 2020, Michael Rose, a dear friend and key Bridge the Gap figure for 45 years, died of complications from a bone marrow transplant for leukemia. He uncovered some of the most important nuclear hazards in the country, which contributed to their elimination. Michael was the best researcher and investigative journalist we have ever met, and a gentle and caring soul, and he will be missed more than words can express.
Three New Reports Released on Hunters Point Shipyard
Navy Broke Promise to Clean Up Contamination, Covering It Up Instead Rather than cleaning up the contamination at the troubled Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, the Navy is leaving much of...
Public Comment on San Onofre Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Issue
Read a public comment by Sarah Brady regarding the storage of San Onofre’s nuclear waste. Click here: Public Comment on San Onofre Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Issue.
SSFL: This Secret Gave Her Daughter Cancer
From Melissa Bumstead: I started my petition in a moment of desperation, and have been in constant awe of the support I’ve received after sharing the story of the Santa...
San Onofre Update
On December 2, 1942, the first high level nuclear waste in the world was created. Three quarters of a century later there is still no permanent repository for such waste....
CBG And Other Groups Demand State of California Stands By SSFL Cleanup Commitments
CBG and other groups, including the City of Los Angeles and County have asked the State of California’s DTSC to live up to its commitments to cleanup SSFL, one of...
Santa Susana Cleanup in Danger
by CBG President Dan Hirsch SEVENTY YEARS AGO, A facility for testing nuclear reactors and rockets too dangerous to be conducted near populated areas was established on the boundary of...
CBG Releases Annual Newsletter
Click here to read the 2017 CBG annual news letter.
2 years after a gas leak filled the air over Porter Ranch, what’s next for Aliso Canyon?
Daily News reports here.