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Major Blow Dealt To Restart Efforts For Crippled San Onofre Reactor
The NRC Atomic Safety & Licensing Board has dealt a major blow to efforts to restart the crippled San Onofre reactor. The Board has ruled that the restart is a...
Worst Week Since Fukushima: 4 Major Setbacks in 3 Days are Latest Stumbles for U.S. Nuclear Power Industry
Statement by Daniel Hirsch Rather than the nuclear revival hoped for by the industry, the gearshift has been thrown hard in reverse. Instead of a proliferation of new plants, existing...
EPA Dramatically Weakens Radiation Protections
EPA has just issued (April 15, 2013) new Protective Action Guides (PAGs) for dealing with radioactive releases. The new PAGs are in many ways worse than the extremely weak PAGs...
Edison Proposes Getting San Onofre License Amendment Now and Holding Safety Hearing After the Fact.
CBG’s Hirsch calls it “Hang ’em now. We’ll give ’em a fair trial later.” KPBS reports.
San Onofre’s Troubles Deepen
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the repair costs for San Onofre are exploding. Meantime, after years of employee complaints, KPBS reports that federal regulators are now looking into claims...
DOE Proposes Unrestricted Recycling of Radioactive Metals Into Consumer Goods
In a stunning development, the United States Department of Energy (DOE) has proposed reversing a twelve year old policy that prohibits the use of recycled radioactive scrap metal materials in...
CBG Releases 2012 Annual Report
Below you will find a link to CBG’s 2012 annual report as well as a link to our annual report archive. The annual report discusses CBG’s work for the year....
Excessive Radiation Found at SSFL
After a three-year study, the Environmental Protection Agency confirmed that the SSFL site suffers from excessive levels of radioactive contamination. CBG’s Dan Hirsch is quoted by the Ventura County Star...
Federal Report Could Lead To Greater Cancer Risk at Dirty Bomb Sites
Global Security Newswire and the National Journal report: People living near the site of a radiological attack could face greater cancer risks then what the government would normally allow if...
SAN ONOFRE: CBG Study Shows Safety of Restarting Either Unit 2 or 3 is Questionable
In a report released today, CBG conducted an exhaustive analysis of data from nuclear plants nationwide. After analyzing the data, it became stunningly clear that San Onofre’s Unit 2 reactor...
NASA Reaffirms Commitment to SSFL Cleanup Agreement, Will Clean Up Contamination to Background
NASA announced that it will fully comply with the Agreement on Consent (AOC) signed in December 2010 to cleanup its portion of SSFL to background levels and set the scope...
San Onofre nuclear power plant: More dangerous than imagined
There is a new report on the devastating information recently disclosed by the NRC–that approximately 3,400 steam generator tubes have gone bad at San Onofre, a number nearly equal to...
The Nation: ‘Shut Down San Onofre’: The New Front Line in the Fight Against Nuclear Power
The Nation magazine reports on the efforts to shutter the San Onofre plant. CBG has been working with the community and other nuclear policy organizations to shutter the problem-riddled plant.