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New Novel About SSFL, “God Went Like That” (LA Review of Books)
Loyola Law School professor Yxta Maya Murray has a new novel out called God Went Like That. The book extensively covers many details of the Santa Susana Field Lab story,...
Navy Rejects Data Showing Hunters Point Strontium-90 Hot Spots as ‘Skewed’ (NBC Bay Area)
“A Navy official recently told the community that it considers recent retesting data reflecting elevated levels of the radioactive isotope Strontium-90 on the development site of the old Hunters Point...
Reuters Publishes Special Report on Boeing’s Strategy to Leave SSFL Polluted
“In 2007, Boeing signed an agreement with California to make 1,900 acres clean enough that people could live on the land and eat vegetables from their gardens. But most of...
A Risky Gamble at Diablo Canyon (CounterPunch)
“Environmental groups concerned about cost and safety issues at the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant in San Luis Obispo County on California’s central coast thought they’d scored a big win in...
NRC would ‘violate federal law’ by fast-tracking PG&E bid to extend Diablo Canyon nuclear plant, groups say (Environmental Working Group)
“Four environmental organizations once again put the NRC on notice that the agency would violate federal law if it accepts Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E’s) October 31 proposal to resurrect...
The Elusive Quest for Environmental Justice at Hunters Point (Earth Island Journal)
“In the long-running battle for environmental justice, the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco is a crucial beachhead. The Navy and EPA have been trying to clean up...
Op-Ed: Speaker Pelosi’s farewell gift to San Francisco should be a clean Hunters Point (SF Examiner)
Jeff Ruch, Pacific director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), recently published an op-ed in the San Francisco Examiner. He writes, “As U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi enters her...
Biden gives PG&E $1 billion to keep Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open (LA Times)
“The federal money doesn’t guarantee Diablo Canyon will stay open longer. But it increases the likelihood of California continuing to rely on the plant, along the Central Coast in San...
The United States of Waste and Woe: Conserving Toxicity at the Santa Susana Field Lab
Listen to an interview with Dan Hirsch, Denise Duffield, and Melissa Bumstead on the podcast Gravity.
San Francisco, EPA Fight Over Hunters Point Shipyard Radiation Cleanup (NBC Bay Area)
“Two decades ago, voters called for the site to be fully cleaned to the most rigorous standards. A stance recently reiterated by Shamann Walton, President of the San Francisco Board...
Groups sue to force a more aggressive cleanup of old Rocketdyne site (Courthouse News)
“Three groups filed a petition in Ventura County Superior Court on Thursday to block a settlement signed this year by the state of California and Boeing that set up protocols...
EPA to Hunters Point: Pound sand. No cleanup as promised for Superfund site (SF Examiner)
Dan Hirsch has published an op-ed in the San Francisco Examiner on the EPA’s recent disclosure that it would not uphold the full cleanup at the Hunters Point Shipyard that...
At Hunters Point Shipyard, ‘toxic bowl of soup’ cleanup may finally be in sight (SF Examiner)
“After years of bringing attention to the site’s environmental problems with little result, residents’ concerns may finally be taken seriously at City Hall. Notably, District 10 Supervisor Shamann Walton proposed...
Calling for Accountability at the Santa Susana Field Lab
Heal the Bay has fought alongside CBG for the cleanup of the SSFL, and had this to say about last month’s outrageous decision by the LA Water Board.