Nuclear Security
Dozens More Mystery Drone Incursions Over U.S. Nuclear Power Plants Revealed
Drones have been inexplicably appearing over nuclear power plants in the United States, raising security questions. Read the article here.
Environmentalists Fault Sending ‘Very Low Level’ Nuclear Waste to Landfills
Click here to read the article.
Families affected by cancer want state officials to lead cleanup of Santa Susana
Read the KCRW story by clicking here. Listen to the audio below: Families affected by cancer want state officials to lead cleanup of Santa Susana
Santa Cruz Waves report: NUCLEAR BAGGAGE at San Onofre
Read the great report here, and watch the the video below.
Navy Finds More Radiation Data Falsification at Hunters Point
NBC bay area reports.
How much radiation is OK in an emergency?
CBG’s Dan Hirsch is quoted in this recent report by the Santa Fe New Mexican. Click here to read.
Watchdog Groups Blast White House-Backed Nuclear Cleanup Study reports.
San Onofre’s Troubles Deepen
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the repair costs for San Onofre are exploding. Meantime, after years of employee complaints, KPBS reports that federal regulators are now looking into claims...
NY Attorney General Sues NRC Over Rejection of Bridge the Gap’s Rulemaking Petition to Upgrade Reactor Security
December, 2007: New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has filed suit in federal court against the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s failure to require protection of nuclear power plants against 9/11-type...