New Yucca Rule Would Allow Equivalent of 1700 Chest Xrays Over a Lifetime
Would Produce 1 Cancer Per 125 People Exposed 10/12/2008: EPA has now finalized the radiation protection standards for Yucca at 15 millirem/year for the first 10,000 years and 100 millirem/year...
CBG’s Hirsch testifies before U.S. Senate Environment Committee About “Nuclear Amnesia”
September 18 – At the invitation of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, CBG’s Dan Hirsch testified in Washington on September 18. Using the history of nuclear accidents,...
CBG Reveals New Evidence of Radioactive Contamination of Water at SSFL
In an April 2006 presentation, CBG details exceedences of radioactive strontium-90, and a complete failure by the Water Board to take action. You can view this presentation in a variety...