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CBG’s Hirsch testifies before U.S. Senate Environment Committee About “Nuclear Amnesia”

CBGSep 19, 20081 min read

September 18 – At the invitation of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, CBG’s Dan Hirsch testified in Washington on September 18. Using the history of nuclear accidents, radioactive spills, releases, and broken cleanup promises from the Santa…

Groups Blast Boeing Panel

CBGJul 17, 20081 min read

07/17/2008: Boeing Pushes to Relax Enforcement of Water Pollution Limits. Efforts by a panel assembled by Boeing to push for elimination of a range of enforceable numeric limits on pollution leaving its Santa Susana site were criticized by CBG and…

Long Sought Win For The Community

CBGJul 11, 20083 min read

07/11/2008 Result: EPA Stands Up; DOE Backs Down on Radiation Survey. After disclosures by CBG that DOE had altered critical numbers in a key table related to the cleanup of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory, EPA insisted that it…

Boeing Pays $471,000 for 79 Pollution Violations

CBGMay 22, 20081 min read

Boeing has waived its right to a hearing before the LA Regional Water Quality Control Board on a proposed $471,000 fine for scores of violations of pollution discharge limits and has submitted payment. This has the effect of canceling the October…

Witches Brew of Toxic Chemicals Burned by Rocketdyne in Open Pits

CBGMay 22, 20081 min read

New Revelations of Dozens of Hazardous Wastes Burned Over Decades.  Documents obtained by CBG show a pattern of burning of toxic chemicals in open pits at SSFL. Click here to read the document (.pdf format, approximately 5.6mb)

In Memoriam: Three Giants in the Fight to Reduce Nuclear Risks John Gofman, Paul Leventhal, Ted Taylor

DeniseDec 31, 20075 min read

December 31, 2007 One of the greatest “sins” is to be prematurely correct. We have recently lost several great and noble voices of caution about nuclear dangers who had repeatedly committed that unforgivable offense. In the early 1960s, John Gofman…

In Memoriam

CBGDec 31, 20071 min read

Recently, we lost three Giants in the Fight to Reduce Nuclear Risks – Ted Taylor, John Gofman, Paul Leventhal. Read more here.

Official Summary of Proposed Nuclear Initiative Estimates Costs in Billions of Dollars in Case of Reactor Accident

CBGDec 26, 20072 min read

12/26/07 Result:After Chuck Devore failed to garner enough support in the California Assembly to bring nuclear power to California, he attempted to qualify a ballot measure. However, Assemblyman Devore was forced to withdraw his proposed ballot initiative as well after…

NY Attorney General Sues NRC Over Rejection of Bridge the Gap’s Rulemaking Petition to Upgrade Reactor Security

CBGDec 22, 20071 min read

December, 2007: New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has filed suit in federal court against the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s failure to require protection of nuclear power plants against 9/11-type air attacks. CBG had proposed a rulemaking to upgrade such…

CBG’s Beamhenge Proposal

CBGDec 21, 20072 min read

PROTECT REACTORS FROM TERRORIST ATTACK! Update: 12/21/07 — CBG comments on NRC proposed rulemaking that does not include protection for a 9/11 style attack at a reactor. Result: Although the NRC failed to adopt CBG’s Beamhenge proposal, CBG’s focus on…

Community Waterboarded by Water Board

CBGNov 1, 20071 min read

After a hearing on November 1, 2007, the LA Regional Water Quality Control Board decided to relax Boeing’s pollution permit. An Early Christmas for A Huge Polluter:   At Boeing’s request, and over the objections of the community, the Board permanently…