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Rancho Seco Nuke Plant Victory

CBGMay 22, 20061 min read

Bridge the Gap and the Sierra Club recently discovered a proposed contract by which radioactive wastes from decommissioning the Rancho Seco nuclear plant would be sent out of state for disposal in landfills not licensed or designed for radioactive waste. …

CBG Reveals New Evidence of Radioactive Contamination of Water at SSFL

CBGApr 22, 20061 min read

In an April 2006 presentation, CBG details exceedences of radioactive strontium-90, and a complete failure by the Water Board to take action.  You can view this presentation in a variety of formats: Click here to view it as a .pdf…

Critical Hearing Regarding SSFL

CBGJan 19, 20061 min read

Hearing Date : 1/19/06 Result: The Regional Water Quality Control Board refused to grant Boeing a relaxed pollution permit. Rocketdyne has violated its pollution discharge permit from its nuclear/rocket testing site dozens of times in the last few months.  The…

NRC’s Lax Dirty Bomb Cleanup Standards

CBGJan 11, 20061 min read

A nuclear Katrina in the Making 1/11/2006 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today issued guidelines for responding to a radiological “dirty” bomb that would permit doses to the public equivalent to tens of thousands of chest X-rays without requiring…